A tubular inverter battery uses technology that seals the active material in polyester tubes called gauntlets, instead of
pasting it on the surface of the plate. As a result, there’s no shedding or corrosion, ensuring long battery life.
Owing to their toughness and durability, tubular batteries can operate at extreme temperatures, and are used in high
cyclic applications involving frequent and prolonged power outages.
All tubular batteries behave similarly to start with, but obviously, not all tubular batteries are the same. The
difference lies in the composition of the alloy in the positive support structure, as well as in the way that the main
back bone of the plates, called the SPINE, is cast. With the help of Torr Tubular technology, Exide tubular batteries
use the high pressure ‘HADI’ casting process at 100 bar, while most other manufacturers use gravity of low pressure
casting processes. The spines in Exide tubular batteries are cast from low antimony lead alloy, with selenium, copper,
tin, and arsenic, to protect the lead support from anodic corrosion.
A scanning electron microscope (SEM) study reveals the differences in machines that use gravity or low pressure
casting, and those that are ‘HADI’ casting.
 We are a leading provider of One-stop Power Backup Solutions.
MPower India Private Limited, I-0027, Ground Floor, Akshar Business Park, Plot No. 003, Sector 25, Vashi, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra 400703.